Charleston, South Carolina has been selected as the backdrop for the pilot of a new television series that is about a big city attorney who decides to return back to the “Lowcountry†to work at her family’s law practice. The television show is being produced by...
Will a tsunami hit Charleston, SC? Below I’ve pasted portions of an article found in the Metro West Daily News ( article published on February 5, 2007, which discusses the past occurrences of tsunamis on the east coast as well as how our...
Be a Tourist in Your Own Town! Have you ever gone to Fort Sumter, the South Carolina Aquarium, Cypress Gardens, Charleston Tea Plantation, Gibbes Museum of Art, Tour Charleston and Charleston Water Taxi…? Or perhaps you haven’t visited these places for...
BRUCE SMITH with the Associated Press published an article in Myrtle Beach Sun News (Saturday, November 16, 2006) regarding the development around and preservation/protection of the famous 1400 year old Angel Oak Tree in the Johns Island area. The full article is...
The following article is from the Post and Courier’s November 10, 2006 article written by Mindy B. Hagen. The article discusses Dorchester District 2 new attendance zones which will have a large impact on a lot of families in the area. “SUMMERVILLE –...
According to experts, there will be plenty of local white shrimp for the fall in Charleston. Kevein Keegan of the Recreational Shrimpers of South Carolina states that his shrimpers are telling him that the catch is good. Because it is cheaper to buy imported shrimp,...